Friday, February 1, 2013

First Grade Friday News - February 4

Check out these opportunities to share God’s love with people around the world:
  • Chapel offerings through February 13 will go to Heifer International.  We will start by buying a water buffalo to give to a family overseas.  We hope to also buy a llama. Send your banks back to school when they are full.
·       Two members of Christ Lutheran are traveling to Rwanda to visit the Rwandan Orphans Project (ROP). We want to send basic necessities with them for these school-aged boys!  You can continue to send needed items for the next several weeks.   We are collecting the following items to send to these boys: Blue and black ink pens, Black cotton socks (for boys, ages 5-18), Cotton underwear (for boys, ages 5-18), Soccer balls (we will send them deflated.)
  • Your children can read books on the site:    When children read books on this site, books are donated to global literacy charities.
Are you checking our blog each week for photos of your kids involved in all sorts of activities at school?

Dates to remember:
Thurs., Feb. 14       Valentine’s party, 2:00 (Every child should bring a Valentine for all children in the class.  Use the directory for a list of names.  You may send the Valentines any day before February 14.)
Mon., Feb. 18         Presidents’ Day, No school
Wed., Mar. 6         Field trip to Little Red Riding Hood at UALR Theater,
                             10:00 a.m. 

The week ahead:
Spelling words:  sir, dirt, bird, burn, fur, her, quit, when, work, grew
(Most children need daily, written practice to do well on spelling tests.)
Religion:  Jesus Walks on Water, Jesus feeds the 5,000
Reading skill:  Setting
Math:  Comparing larger numbers, Graphing
Language/Writing:  “Tell me more” sentences
Science/Social Studies: North America, USA
Character Education:  Honesty
Nature Club:  Our sense of smell



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