Thursday, April 24, 2014

First Grade Friday News - April 25

Dates to remember:         
Fri., Apr. 25          Tag Day, Bring $1 to participate
Fri., May 2            Field Day, 1:30 dismissal (We need parents to help.  Call the office or email me to volunteer.)
Tues., May 13         Fine Arts night (Our choirs and band will perform and your children’s art will be displayed.)
Tues., May 6          Kindergarten and First Grade picnic at Pinnacle Mountain State Park

The week ahead:    
Spelling words:  old, fold, cold, told, roll, most, find, child, both, during
Reading skill:  Drawing conclusions
Math:  Subtracting 10, Polygons
Language/Writing:  Adding details
Religion:   Books of the New Testament                                   
Science:  Butterflies

Our kindergarten and first-grade classes will have an end-of-year picnic at Pinnacle Mountain State Park on Tuesday, May 6.  We will leave school at 9:40 and return at approximately 1:30.  All parents are welcome to join us for lunch or for the whole day.  Please let me know if you can drive a group of children from school to the park.  Each child should wear their CLS spirit shirt that day and bring a lunch and drink.  If the weather is sunny, you may want to put sunscreen on your child or send a hat.  Parents who attend may bring outside play equipment (balls, jump ropes, bubbles, etc.)  I would like a couple of parents to bring a snack that we can enjoy later in the afternoon when we are back at school. (Bring enough for 21 children.)  I also need some parents to bring small bottles of water in an ice chest.  It would be nice if we had enough water for each child to have two.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

First Grade Friday News - April 18

Dates to remember:         
Fri., Apr. 18           Good Friday, 1:30 dismissal (Free tag day if your child had no tardies last week.)
Fri., May 2            Field Day, 1:30 dismissal
Tues., May 13         Fine Arts night (Our choirs and band will perform and your children’s art will be displayed.)
Tues., May 6          Kindergarten and First Grade picnic at Pinnacle Mountain State Park

The week ahead:    
Spelling words:  find, kind, mind, mild, child, wild, day, play, sure, son
Reading skill:  fiction and non-fiction
Math:  Measuring with centimeters, cubes and cylinders
Language/Writing:  Editing our writing
Religion:  Books of the New Testament                                   






Thursday, April 10, 2014

First Grade Friday News - April 11

Your children did a wonderful job on their achievement tests.  They listened well and did their best.  I’m excited to see how well they did when the results come back in a few weeks.

Dates to remember:         
Fri., Apr. 18           Good Friday, 1:30 dismissal
Fri., May 2            Field Day, 1:30 dismissal
Tues., May 13         Fine Arts night (Our choirs and band will perform and your children’s art will be displayed.)
Tues., May 6          Kindergarten and First Grade picnic at Pinnacle Mountain State Park

The week ahead:    
Spelling words:  day, say, sail, pail, pay, play, right, high, learn, join      
Reading skill:  Details
Math:  Fractions, Measuring with centimeters, cubes and cylinders
Language/Writing:  Adding details
Religion:  Easter                                                                   
Social Studies:  South America





Thursday, April 3, 2014

First Grade Friday News - April 4

Dates to remember:
April  7-11             Achievement tests 
Please do not schedule any appointments this week.  All children must be present and on time each day for testing.  Help your child to do well by making sure that he or she gets a lot of rest and has a good breakfast.  We will test every day.  There will be no reading or math homework this week and no spelling test.         
Fri., Apr. 18           Good Friday, 1:30 dismissal
Fri., May 2            Field Day, 1:30 dismissal
Tues., May 6          Kindergarten and First Grade picnic at Pinnacle Mountain State Park

The week ahead:    
Spelling words:  no test
Religion:  Easter                                                                   
Social Studies:  South America

I am so excited to be able to move to 2nd grade next year with this class!  Please help us plan for next year by letting us know for sure that your child will be back at CLS for 2nd grade.  We want to make sure that we have enough materials, textbooks, desks, and teachers to make 2nd grade a great year for your child.




Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Nesting Bags for the Birds

Our Nature Club made nesting bags for the birds this week.  We put bits of string, yarn, cotton, dried grass, and other similar materials inside little net bags.  Then we tied them to trees all over our campus.  We will watch to see if these things disappear from our bags.  We hope that we might see some birds' nests this spring with bright pieces of ribbon or yarn from our nesting bags. 

Spring Bulbs

The daffodil bulbs that we planted in the courtyard last winter have bloomed.  We love making our school more beautiful!