Monday, November 24, 2014

Churning Butter

Would you like some freshly churned butter for your Thanksgiving dinner?  Just ask a 2nd or 3rd grader to make you some.  With the help of Mrs. McGilvray, we learned to make our own butter in social studies today.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Second Grade Friday News - November 21

Our chapel offerings until Christmas will be used for our Christmas Giving Tree project.  Our class will buy gifts for two or three children in the foster care system.  It will cost about $100 per child.  You may send an offering any day of the week – not just on chapel day.  Please be generous as we teach our children to share God’s love.  We have collected $222 so far!  Keep up the great work!  We are buying gifts for three kids.

On Tuesday, Dec. 2, the 2nd and 3rd grade classes will be going to the Arkansas Arts Center Children’s Theater to see The Velveteen Rabbit.   We will leave school at 9:15 and return around noon.  Students should wear their CLS spirit shirts that day.  We will eat lunch in our classrooms when we return, so all students must bring a lunch box.  Our drivers will be Dunn, Farah, Goldman, and McGilvray.

Dates to remember:
            Nov. 26,27, 28          Thanksgiving Break, no school
            Tues., Dec. 2             Field trip to Arkansas Children’s Theater, downtown
            Wed., Dec. 3             2nd and 3rd grades lead our chapel worship
                                                Come and worship with us.

The week ahead:
On November 24 and 25, we will be doing Thanksgiving activities and activities related to the Velveteen Rabbit.  There will be no tests during those two day

Week of December 1:
Spelling words:  knock, knew, knight, wrong, write, sign, gnat, wrist, unknown, writer, scooter, cartoon, dark, front, past
Memory:  (due by Dec. 19) And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  And this will be a sign for you:  you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”  Luke 2:10-11 ESV

(Children may memorize from another translation, but this is what we will be saying together at school.)


(10 Commandments due by Dec. 19)
Religion:  Practice for chapel

Reading skill:  Making inferences

Math:   Adding two digit numbers

English:  Adjectives

Writing:  Using adjectives to improve writing

Social Studies:  Life long ago

Science:  Healthy habits





Friday, November 14, 2014

Tasty Math

Our math lesson today was tasty and fun.  We baked apple jack cookies to learn about measuring.  The results were delicious!

Second Grade Friday News - November 14

Our chapel offerings until Christmas will be used for our Christmas Giving Tree project.  Our class will buy gifts for two or three children in the foster care system.  It will cost about $175 per child.  You may send an offering any day of the week – not just on chapel day.  Please be generous as we teach our children to share God’s love.  We have collected $140 so far!  Keep up the great work!  Let’s aim for gifts for three kids.

On Tuesday, Dec. 2, the 2nd and 3rd grade classes will be going to the Arkansas Arts Center Children’s Theater to see The Velveteen Rabbit.   We will leave school at 9:15 and return around noon.  I need to call in our final count by Monday, Nov. 24.  Please let me know if you can drive and how many children you can take with seatbelts. 

Dates to remember:
            Nov. 26,27, 28           Thanksgiving Break, no school
            Tues., Dec. 2              Field trip to Arkansas Children’s Theater, downtown
            Wed., Dec. 3               2nd and 3rd grades lead our chapel worship
                                                Come and worship with us.
The week ahead:
Spelling words:  smooth, roots, food, scooter, boot, broom moon, cartoon, roof, spoon, springtime, ostrich, answer, paper, page
Memory:  Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.  For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.   Ps. 100:4-5
Religion:  Elijah and the Ravens, Elijah and the Widow
Reading skill:  Fact or fiction
Math:   Two digit numbers, Measurement
English:  Adjectives
Writing:  Using adjectives to improve writing
Social Studies:  Life long ago
Science:  Healthy habits





Friday, November 7, 2014

Life Long Ago

We learned a lot on our field trip to the Historic Arkansas Museum about how people lived long ago.  It was fun to try out churning butter, making wagon wheels, panning for gold, and much more.

Red Ribbon Day

CLS celebrated Red Ribbon Day on October 30.  We learned about the importance of saying "NO" to drugs. 

Second Grade Friday News - November 7

Our chapel offerings until Christmas will be used for our Christmas Giving Tree project.  Our class will buy gifts for two or three children in the foster care system.  It will cost about $75 per child.  You may send an offering any day of the week – not just on chapel day.  Please be generous as we teach our children to share God’s love.  We have collected $100 so far!  Keep up the great work!  Let’s aim for gifts for three kids.

Dates to remember:
            Nov. 26,27, 28           Thanksgiving Break, no school
            Tues., Dec. 2              Field trip to Arkansas Children’s Theater, downtown
            Wed., Dec. 3               2nd and 3rd grades lead our chapel worship
                                                Come and worship with us.

The week ahead:
Spelling words:  sprout, streams, through, strong, strap, springtime, spray, throat, three, ostrich, pioneers, clearing, air, different, light
Memory:  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.   Phil. 4: 6-7
Religion:  Solomon’s Prayer, Solomon Builds a Temple
Reading skill:  Reading diagrams
Math:   Two digit numbers, Measurement
English:  Pronouns
Writing:  Using adjectives to improve writing
Social Studies:  Life long ago
Science:  Healthy habits