Friday, May 16, 2014

First Grade Friday News - May 16

Congratulations to Alex who has earned lunch out with Mrs. Jerry for being a super AR reader!

Dates to remember:         
Fri., May 16           Last day to take AR tests
Mon., May 19         Kindergarten graduation
Tues., May 20        Honors Assembly at 2:00
Wed., May 21         8th grade graduation
Mon., May 26         Memorial Day, no school
Wed., May 28        Last day of school, Noon dismissal, No lunch served
                             Report cards will be mailed.

The week ahead:    
Spelling words:  lead, head, bread, read, ready, heavy, rule, use, few, boy
Reading skill:  Details
Math:  Word problems
Language/Writing:  Writing a “research report”
Religion:  The conversion of Saul                                           
Social Studies:  Arkansas







Monday, May 12, 2014

Field Day Fun

 Look at all the fun we had on Field Day!

Super Readers


Congratulations to our two boys who earned lunch with the principal for their AR reading achievements this year!

Friday, May 9, 2014

First Grade Friday News - May 9

Congratulations to Jack and Jimmy who have earned lunch out with Mrs. Jerry for being super AR readers!

Dates to remember:         
Tues., May 13         Fine Arts night, 6:30  (Our choirs and band will perform and your children’s art will be displayed.)
Fri., May 16           Last day to take AR tests
Mon., May 19         Kindergarten graduation
Wed., May 21         8th grade graduation
Mon., May 26         Memorial Day, no school
Wed., May 28        Last day of school, Noon dismissal, No lunch served
                             Report cards will be mailed.

The week ahead:    
Spelling words:  tube, cube, cute, use, rule, huge, page, fudge, angry, sorry
Reading skill:  Predicting outcomes
Math:  Word problems
Language/Writing:  Writing a “research report”
Religion:  The disciples preach the Word                                
Social Studies:  Arkansas






Friday, May 2, 2014

First Grade Friday News - May 2

Our kindergarten and first-grade classes will have an end-of-year picnic at Pinnacle Mountain State Park on Tuesday, May 6. After looking over the park, we have decided that Pinnacle Mountain Park will work just fine.  We will leave school at 9:40 and return at approximately 1:30.  All parents are welcome to join us for lunch or for the whole day.  Please let me know if you can drive a group of children from school to the park.  So far, we have two drivers (Denman and Goldman).  Children may wear play clothes.  They may wear their CLS spirit shirt if they wish.  Each child must bring their own lunch and drink.  If the weather is sunny, you may want to put sunscreen on your child or send a hat.  Parents who attend may bring outside play equipment (balls, jump ropes, bubbles, etc.) 

Dates to remember:         
Fri., May 2            Field Day, 1:30 dismissal (If you have volunteered to help, please be in the office between 8:30 and 9:00.   Children may wear play clothes.)
Tues., May 13         Fine Arts night (Our choirs and band will perform and your children’s art will be displayed.)
Tues., May 6          Kindergarten and First Grade picnic at Pinnacle Mountain State Park

The week ahead:    
Spelling words: age, page, cage, badge, budge, fudge, old, most, floor, piece
Reading skill:  Drawing conclusions
Math:  Counting quarters, Measuring temperature
Language/Writing:  Editing our writing
Religion:  Books of the New Testament                                   
Social Studies:  Arkansas