Friday, February 28, 2014

First Grade Friday News - February 28

Dates to remember:
Tues., Mar. 4         Field trip to Whole Foods at 9:00  (Children should wear their CLS spirit shirts.) (Drivers are Dunn, Farah, Lamb, Needler.  Drivers should come to the classroom at 9:40)
Wed., Mar. 12        1st grade and kindergarten lead chapel (Come and worship with us.)
Fri., Mar. 14          End of 3rd quarter
Thurs., Mar. 20      Report cards go home
March 24-28         Spring Break
April  7-11             Achievement tests  (Please do not schedule any appointments this week.  All children must be present each day for testing.)

The week ahead:   
Spelling words:  my, fly, by, why, sky, try, out, now, any, eight
Religion:  Review the 10 Commandments, Practice for chapel  
Reading skill:  Sequence
Math:  Comparison symbols, Fractions
Language/Writing:  Using adjectives
Social Studies:  Asia - China
Science:  Healthy Bodies

Shoelace Day:        Your children can read, write, spell, add, subtract, play soccer, and operate electronic equipment.  So I’m sure they can all learn to tie their shoes.  Beginning on April 1, children must tie their own shoes before going to recess or gym.  Practice over Spring Break so that your child can become a shoelace expert!









Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Valentine's Day Party

Thank you to all of our parents who provided treats and planned activities for our Valentine's Day party.  Everyone had a wonderful time.

Winter Gardening

The cold weather in January didn't freeze all of our carrots.  We were able to harvest enough baby carrots for each of us to have a taste.

Friday, February 14, 2014

First Grade Friday News - February 14

Dates to remember:
Mon., Feb. 17         Make-up day for one snow day
Tues., Mar. 4         Field trip to Whole Foods at 9:00 (Let me know if you can drive.)
Wed., Mar. 12        1st grade and kindergarten lead chapel (Come and worship with us.)
Fri., Mar. 14          End of 3rd quarter
March 24-28         Spring Break        

The week ahead:    
Spelling words:  ice, nice, rice, race, face, space, like, nine, why, most
Religion:  The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, The Lost Son            
Reading skill:  Main Idea
Math:  Sums of 10, 5-minute addition test
Language/Writing:  Details and tell-me-more sentences
Social Studies:  Washington and Lincoln
Science:  Healthy Bodies







Friday, February 7, 2014

First Grade Friday News - February 7

Dates to remember:
Fri., Feb. 14           Class Valentine party at 2:00 (Parents are welcome.)
Mon., Feb. 17         Make-up day for one snow day
Tues., Mar. 4         Field trip to Whole Foods at 9:00 (Let me know if you can drive.)
Wed., Mar. 12        1st grade and kindergarten lead chapel (Come and worship with us.)
Fri., Mar. 14          End of 3rd quarter
March 24-28         Spring Break        

The week ahead:    
Spelling words:  nine, line, like, bike, while, bite, funny, hurry, warm, water
Religion:  Feeding the 5000, The Good Samaritan                    
Reading skill:  Drawing conclusions
Math:  Adding 10, Sums of 10, 5-minute addition test
Language/Writing:  Details and tell-me-more sentences
Social Studies:  United States
Science:  Healthy Bodies

Note:   Every child should bring a Valentine for all 12 children in the class.  Use the directory for a list of names.  You may send the Valentines any day before February 14.




Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hands-on Math

Math is a lot more fun with hands-on activities.  We used our math manipulatives to show three-digit numbers.

National Lutheran Schools Week

We had a great week celebrating Christ Lutheran School.  We had blue and gold day, black and white (dress like a cow) day, pajama day, and best of all - grandparents day.  We know that our school is a wonderful place where students and teachers have fun together, learn together, and worship our Savior together.