Dates to remember:
Mon., Jan. 20 No school, Martin
Luther King holiday
Jan. 26-31 National
Lutheran Schools week (Information will
be coming home soon about the events planned for this week.)
Fri., Jan. 31 Grandparents Day
(Invitations were sent home. Let
me know if you need additional invitations.)
Mon., Feb. 17 Make-up day for snow day
The week ahead:
words: me, be, mean, bean, beet, feet, low, road,
who, door
Religion: Jesus performs miracles,
The Lord’s Prayer
Reading skill: Realistic
Math: Reading large numbers,
five-minute addition test
Language/Writing: Details
and tell-me-more sentences
Social Studies/ Science:
- This quarter, all students will be required to take and pass at least one AR test each week. Please listen to your child read his or her AR library book twice and discuss the story. Students may take AR tests at our classroom computer any day of the week. Children who have not passed an AR test by Friday morning will be asked to spend their recess reading. Your child may take AR tests over school or public library books, classroom library books, and books that you have in your home library. Look on the Accelerated Reader website,, to be sure that the book from your home library is included in the AR list. After your child has read the book twice, send a note with the title and author indicating that your child is ready to take a test. Children are given time each day at school to read AR books in the classroom.
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