Friday, January 31, 2014

First Grade Friday News - January 31

Dates to remember:
Fri., Feb. 14           Class Valentine party at 2:00 (Parents are welcome.)
Mon., Feb. 17         Make-up day for snow day
Fri., Mar. 14          End of 3rd quarter
March 24-28         Spring Break        

The week ahead:    
Spelling words:  jelly, belly, funny, furry, hurry, bunny, take, came, world, over
Religion:  Jesus calms the storm, Jairus’ daughter                   
Reading skill:  Classify, Categorize
Math:  Adding two-digit numbers with regrouping using dimes and pennies,                5-minute addition test
Language/Writing:  Details and tell-me-more sentences
Social Studies:  United States
Science:  Healthy Bodies

Note:   Every child should bring a Valentine for all 12 children in the class.  Use the directory for a list of names.  You may send the Valentines any day before February 14.



Friday, January 24, 2014

First Grade Friday News - January 24

National Lutheran Schools Week

Special activities are happening every day!

Dates to remember:
Fri., Jan. 31           Grandparents Day   (Invitations were sent home.  Let me know if you need additional invitations.)
Fri., Feb. 14           Class Valentine party at 2:00 (Parents are welcome.)
Mon., Feb. 17         Make-up day for snow day

The week ahead:    
Spelling words:  came, game, gate, late, take lake, feet, me, know, also
Religion:  Jesus performs miracles, The Lord’s Prayer             
Reading skill:  Compare and contrast
Math:  Counting nickels, Telling time to the half hour,  5-minute addition test
Language/Writing:  Details and tell-me-more sentences
Social Studies:  United States
Science:  Healthy Bodies

Note:   Every child should bring a Valentine for all 12 children in the class.  Use the directory for a list of names.  You may send the Valentines any day before February 14.


Monday, January 20, 2014

Moving Up

Students at CLS got the opportunity to move up to the next grade level last week.  Kindergarteners spent some time in the first-grade classroom doing first-grade work.  We learned a short vowel song and made some short vowel animals.  We even read a story in the first grade reading book!  These kindergarteners are almost ready for first grade!

Feed the Birds

Our kindergarten and first-grade Nature Club made bird feeders at our last meeting.  We used empty milk cartons from the cafeteria and decorated them with bird and flower stickers.  Each child took their bird feeder home along with some bird seed.  I wonder how many new birds we can identify in our own back yards?

Friday, January 17, 2014

First Grade Friday News - January 17

Dates to remember:
          Mon., Jan. 20         No school,  Martin Luther King holiday
Jan. 26-31             National Lutheran Schools week  (Information will be coming home soon about the events planned for this week.)
Fri., Jan. 31           Grandparents Day   (Invitations were sent home.  Let me know if you need additional invitations.)
Mon., Feb. 17         Make-up day for snow day

The week ahead:    
Spelling words:  me, be, mean, bean, beet, feet, low, road, who, door
Religion:  Jesus performs miracles, The Lord’s Prayer             
Reading skill:  Realistic fiction
Math:  Reading large numbers, five-minute addition test
Language/Writing:  Details and tell-me-more sentences
Social Studies/ Science:  Penguins

  • This quarter, all students will be required to take and pass at least one AR test each week.  Please listen to your child read his or her AR library book twice and discuss the story.  Students may take AR tests at our classroom computer any day of the week.  Children who have not passed an AR test by Friday morning will be asked to spend their recess reading.  Your child may take AR tests over school or public library books, classroom library books, and books that you have in your home library.  Look on the Accelerated Reader website,, to be sure that the book from your home library is included in the AR list.  After your child has read the book twice, send a note with the title and author indicating that your child is ready to take a test.  Children are given time each day at school to read AR books in the classroom.




Friday, January 10, 2014

First Grade Friday News - January 10

Dates to remember:
Thurs., Jan. 9             Report cards went home. 
Jan. 26-31                  National Lutheran Schools week  (Information will be coming home soon about the events planned for this week.)
Fri., Jan. 31                Grandparents Day
Mon., Feb. 17              Make-up day for snow day

The week ahead:      
Spelling words:  low, bow, row, road, soap, boat, wiggle, middle, talk school
Religion:  The baptism of Jesus, Jesus calls His disciples                  
Reading skill:  Compare and contrast
Math:  Adding two-digit numbers,  Adding “doubles +1”  facts (5+6, 6+7, 7+8, 8+9)
Language/Writing:  Writing a compare and contrast story
Science:   Winter, Weather
Social Studies:  Antarctica, Martin Luther King

  • Report cards were sent home on Thursday.  Please sign and return the cover sheet to indicate that you have looked over the report card.  You do not need to return the report card.  Remember that a checkmark indicates that your child is progressing as expected in that skill.  A plus indicates progress beyond what is expected and a minus indicates that more practice is needed in that skill area.  Please phone or email me with any questions that you may have about your child’s progress.  I will also be happy to schedule a conference if you would like to talk in person.
  • This quarter, all students will be required to take and pass at least one AR test each week.  Please listen to your child read his or her AR library book twice and discuss the story.  Students may take AR tests at our classroom computer any day of the week.  Children who have not passed an AR test by Friday morning will be asked to spend their recess reading.  Your child may take AR tests over school or public library books, classroom library books, and books that you have in your home library.  Look on the Accelerated Reader website,, to be sure that the book from your home library is included in the AR list.  After your child has read the book twice, send a note with the title and author indicating that your child is ready to take a test.  Children are given time each day at school to read AR books in the classroom.



Wednesday, January 1, 2014

First Grade Friday News - January 3

I hope that your families had a wonderful Christmas break filled with family time and worship in celebration of our Savior’s birth.  My prayer for each of you is that 2014 will be a year blessed with health and happiness.
Dates to remember:
Thurs., Jan. 9             Report cards go home.
Jan. 26-31                  National Lutheran Schools week  (Information will be coming home soon about the events planned for this week.
Fri., Jan. 31                Grandparents Day
Mon., Feb. 17              Make-up day for snow day

The week ahead:      
Spelling words:  middle, fiddle, wiggle, giggle, puddle, cuddle, fur, bird, were, four
Religion:  Epiphany, The boy Jesus                                                        
Reading skill:  Fact and fiction
Math:  Adding two-digit numbers,  Adding “doubles +1”  facts (5+6, 6+7, 7+8, 8+9)
Language/Writing:  Writing a compare and contrast story
Science:   Winter, Weather
Social Studies:  Antarctica

  • Report cards will be sent home on Thursday.  Please sign and return the cover sheet to indicate that you have looked over the report card.  You do not need to return the report card.  Remember that a checkmark indicates that your child is progressing as expected in that skill.  A plus indicates progress beyond what is expected and a minus indicates that more practice is needed in that skill area.  Please phone or email me with any questions that you may have about your child’s progress.  I will also be happy to schedule a conference if you would like to talk in person. 
  • This quarter, all students will be required to take and pass at least one AR test each week.  Please listen to your child read his or her AR library book twice and discuss the story.  Students may take AR tests at our classroom computer any day of the week.  Children who have not passed an AR test by Friday morning will be asked to spend their recess reading.  Your child may take AR tests over school or public library books, classroom library books, and books that you have in your home library.  Look on the Accelerated Reader website,, to be sure that the book from your home library is included in the AR list.  After your child has read the book twice, send a note with the title and author indicating that your child is ready to take a test.  Children are given time each day at school to read AR books in the classroom.