Thursday, December 12, 2013

First Grade Friday News - December 13

I am overwhelmed by your generous offerings to buy gifts for children in the foster care system.  Our class was able to buy gifts for three children! 

Our class Christmas party will be on Friday, December 20, at 2:00.  Our room mothers are planning games and refreshments for the party.  All parents are welcome to attend.  We will have a gift exchange among the first graders. For our gift exchange this year, each child should bring a wrapped gift.  Please do not spend more than $5.  Boys should bring a boy gift and girls bring a girl gift.  The gift should be wrapped with a gift tag attached that indicates the name of the child bringing the gift.  These gifts should be brought to school by Monday, December 16.

Dates to remember:
Wed., Dec. 18             No chapel
Thurs., Dec. 19           Children’s Christmas program at 6:30 p.m. (Dress nicely and report to our classroom at 6:00.)
                                    Dress rehearsal at 8:15 a.m.
Fri., Dec. 20               Classroom Christmas party at 2:00 (All parents are welcome.)

The week ahead:
Notice that we will have two spelling tests.                      
Spelling words: sir, dirt, bird, burn, fur, her, quit, when, work, grew (test- Monday)
red, blue, green, yellow, purple, orange, pink, black, brown, gray, white (test-Friday)
Religion:  Jesus is born                                                                           
Reading skill:  Setting
Math:  Adding two-digit numbers, Measuring with a ruler
Language/Writing:  Nouns and adjectives

  • All students should take at least one AR test each week.  Please listen to your child read his or her AR book twice and discuss the story.
  • Your child may take AR tests over books that you have in your home library.  Look on the accelerated website to be sure that the book is included in the AR list.  After your child has read the book twice, send a note with the title and author indicating that your child is ready to take a test.



Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Merry Christmas!

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.  Luke 2:10-11

Wings Over Arkansas

We have become enthusiastic bird watchers in first grade this year.  We have a bird feeder right outside our classroom window and have been excited to identify 12 different bird species at the feeder so far.  Bird watching teaches children skills of observation, sorting, and classification.  It also teaches an appreciation of nature and encourages children to be good stewards of God’s creation.  I would like to suggest that you make bird watching a family activity by participating in the “Wings Over Arkansas” program from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission.  I’m sending home a packet with all the information that you need to get started.

How to Participate
·         Record each species you identify on the official Wings Over Arkansas Application Checklist. You may photocopy the checklist.
·         Mail application and bird records to Wings Over Arkansas Coordinator, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, 2 Natural Resources Drive, Little Rock, AR 72205. 
·         Allow six weeks for delivery of certificate and pin.

Official Rules
·    All bird listings must include species name, date and location of sighting.
  • All birds listed must be in Arkansas when identified.
  • All birds listed must be alive, wild and unrestrained when observed.   
  • All birds listed must be identified by the person submitting the application.
  • Retroactive bird lists are acceptable.
Children who identify 25 species will receive a Carolina Chickadee pin. You can start by listing the 12 species that we have seen at school.  I’m sure that every first grader can at least earn the Caroline Chickadee pin.  Keep me posted about your child’s level of achievement so that we can recognize their efforts during chapel announcements.
Happy Birding!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Hands On Math

We used real dimes and pennies to practice counting money as we "shopped for groceries".  We also enjoyed using our math manipulatives to learn about fractions.



We planted daffodil bulbs in the courtyard.  Won't they be beautiful when they bloom in the spring?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

First Grade Friday News - December 6


Thank you for your generous offerings to buy gifts for children in the foster care system.  Our class is buying gifts for twin girls – 6 years old. 

Our class Christmas party will be on Friday, December 20, at 2:00.  Our room mothers are planning games and refreshments for the party.  All parents are welcome to attend.  We will have a gift exchange among the first graders. For our gift exchange this year, each child should bring a wrapped gift.  Please do not spend more than $5.  Boys should bring a boy gift and girls bring a girl gift.  The gift should be wrapped with a gift tag attached that indicates the name of the child bringing the gift.  These gifts should be brought to school by Monday, December 16.

Dates to remember:
Tues., Dec. 9              Choir trip to nursing home
Fri., Dec. 13                Field trip to Nutcracker performance (All children should wear CLS spirit shirts and bring a sack lunch.)
Wed., Dec. 18             No chapel
Thurs., Dec. 19           Children’s Christmas program at 6:30 p.m.
                                    Dress rehearsal at 8:15 a.m.
Fri., Dec. 20               Classroom Christmas party at 2:00 (All parents are welcome.)

The week ahead:
Spelling words: sir, dirt, bird, burn, fur, her, quit, when, work, grew
Religion:  Jesus is born                                                                           
Reading skill:  Characters
Math:  Adding two-digit numbers, Measuring with a ruler
Language/Writing:  Nouns and adjectives

  • Students may only wear white long-sleeved shirts under their logo shirts.
  • I am seeing many mistakes on math homework.  Please help your child with the instructions and check over their work.
  • All students should take at least one AR test each week.  Please listen to your child read his or her AR book twice and discuss the story.