Friday, September 20, 2013

First Grade Friday News - September 20

Chapel offerings for the first few weeks will go to support Lisbeth, our Compassion International student in Guatemala.  Our offerings will help Lisbeth’s family with food, clothing, and education expenses.  Chapel offering envelopes are sent home each Tuesday.  Look for them on the homework side of the folder.

Your children will experience a different routine this week.  I am flying to Austin on Monday afternoon to help my daughter.  She will be having a c-section on Tuesday.  This was unexpected and a bit early.  She will need some help after surgery with new baby and my precious two-year-old granddaughter.  Please pray for healthy mom and healthy baby.  I’ll be back in the classroom on Tuesday, Oct. 1.  Mrs. Pat Dierks will be substituting in the mornings and Mrs. McNabb will have the whole group each afternoon.  There will be no First Grade Friday News on Sept. 27.  Please direct any questions to Mrs. McNabb.

Mrs. McNabb would like each student to bring one apple, washed, not sliced, in a Ziploc bag on Thursday.  It can be any variety.

Dates to remember:
Thurs., Sep. 26           Field trip to pumpkin patch (We will leave school at 8:30 and return at 11:30.  Children should wear their blue CLS spirit shirts.  Drivers will be Litwa, Lamb, and McGilvray.  Riding along will be Denman.  Parents, be sure to bring $5 for your admission to the pumpkin patch.)
Fri., Oct. 4                  Early dismissal, 1:30

The week ahead:
Spelling words: all, call, fall, ball, tall, wall, on, not, so, of (test 9/27,

                        hen, pen, men, end, send, set, all, call, very, that (test on 10/4)
Religion:  Moses
Reading skill:  Details
Math:  Doubles addition facts
Language/Writing:  Handwriting upper and lower case letters
Science:  Farms
Social Studies:  Australia







Friday, September 13, 2013

First Grade Friday News - September 13, 2013

Chapel offerings for the first few weeks will go to support Lisbeth, our Compassion International student in Guatemala.  Our offerings will help Lisbeth’s family with food, clothing, and education expenses.  Chapel offering envelopes are sent home each Tuesday.  Look for them on the homework side of the folder.

Dates to remember:
Thurs., Sep. 26      Field trip to pumpkin patch (We will leave school at 8:30 and return at 11:30.  Children should wear their blue CLS spirit shirts.  Drivers will be Litwa, Needler, and McGilvray.  Riding along will be Denman and Lamb.)

The week ahead:
Spelling words: hot, hop, pop, pot, dot, not, back, pick, now, want
Religion:  Joseph
Reading skill:  Sequence
Math:  Doubles addition facts
Language/Writing:  Handwriting upper and lower case letters
Science:  Our Senses
Social Studies:  Australia

To maintain the safety of our families and to allow the plumbing crew to work in the gym (south) parking lot, the gym parking lot will be closed to all traffic beginning Monday, September 16. Please use the church (north) parking lot for morning drop off and afternoon pick up. In the morning, drop off under the brick walkway. Preschool families, please park in the lot and use the walkway entrance. In the afternoon, please veer to your left and park in the same manner as  in the other parking lot. We will use the church parking lot until the exterior plumbing project is complete. Thank you!

          Please avoid peanuts, tree nuts, and peanut butter when sending treats for the whole class.  We have some allergies in our group.





Friday, September 6, 2013

First Grade Friday News - September 6

Chapel offerings for the first few weeks will go to support Lisbeth, our Compassion International student in Guatemala.  Our offerings will help Lisbeth’s family with food, clothing, and education expenses.  Chapel offering envelopes are sent home each Tuesday.  Look for them on the homework side of the folder.

We need packets of seeds (flower or vegetable) for a Nature Club project.  It’s fine if they are expired or already opened packets.  Don’t send more than one packet per child.  We need these by September 11.  Thank you.

Dates to remember:
Fri., Sep.6             Dismiss at 1:30
Tues., Sep. 10         Back to School Night (We will begin with a PALS meeting in the sanctuary at 6:30.  Following the PALS meeting, you will come to our classroom.  Bring your questions about first grade.)
Thurs., Sep. 26      Field trip to pumpkin patch (Let me know if you can drive.  We have plenty of drivers, but all parents are welcome to come.  We can ride together instead of taking so many cars.  Cost for parents is $5.)

The week ahead:
Spelling words: pick, pack, tack, back, sack, sick, big, is, they, walk
Religion:  Jacob
Reading skill:  Sequence
Math:  Counting pennies, Between
Language/Writing:  Handwriting upper and lower case letters
Science:  Our Bodies
Social Studies:  Australia


          Please avoid peanuts, tree nuts, and peanut butter when sending treats for the whole class.  We have some allergies in our group.