Friday, December 14, 2012

First Grade Friday News - December 17

Thank you for your chapel offerings during the last few weeks.  Our class was able to buy gifts for two children. 

Our class Christmas party will be on Friday, December 21, at 1:00.  Our room mothers are planning games and refreshments for the party.  All parents are welcome to attend.  For our gift exchange this year, each child should bring a wrapped gift ($5 value).  Boys should bring a boy gift and girls bring a girl gift.  The gift should be wrapped with a gift tag attached that indicates the name of the child bringing the gift.  These gifts should be brought to school any day before December 21.

This will be the last First Grade Friday News that you will receive in your child’s backpack.  We will try to save a few trees by going paperless for the rest of the school year.  I will continue to send the newsletter by email each Friday and I will also post it on our blog each week.

Dates to remember:
            Wed., Dec. 19             No chapel
 Thurs., Dec. 20          All school Christmas program at 6:30 p.m. (Be in our classroom at 6:00 dressed in your Christmas best – no jeans, please.)
 Fri., Dec. 21                Class Christmas party with gift exchange at 1:00, Tag day
                                    Dismissal at 2:00 (There will be aftercare.), End of Semester
Dec. 2 - Jan. 6           Christmas break
Mon., Jan. 7                School resumes
            Thurs., Jan. 10           Report cards go home

The week ahead:
Spelling words:  zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Religion:  The Ten Commandments, Jesus is born
Reading skill:  Setting
Math:  Buying things with dimes and pennies, Subtraction
Language/Writing:  Making sentences more interesting with adjectives
           Science/Social Studies:  Animals and habitats
We are very sad to have to say good-bye to Neal and Tayler.  God’s blessings to them in their new schools.




Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Merry Christmas!

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.     Luke 2:11

Thursday, December 6, 2012

First Grade Friday News - December 10

Chapel offerings during the second quarter will be collected to buy Christmas gifts for children in the foster care system in central Arkansas.  Our class has committed to buying gifts for two children.  We hope to collect $75 per child.  We have collected $80 so far!  That means we have enough for one child.  Let’s see if we can bring in enough for the other child this week.  Thank you for your generosity as we teach our children to share God’s love.

Our class Christmas party will be on Friday, December 21, at 1:00.  Our room mothers are planning games and refreshments for the party.  All parents are welcome to attend.  For our gift exchange this year, each child should bring a wrapped gift ($5 value).  Boys should bring a boy gift and girls bring a girl gift.  The gift should be wrapped with a gift tag attached that indicates the name of the child bringing the gift.  These gifts should be brought to school any day before December 21.

If you haven’t checked our class blog lately, you are missing out on seeing some great pictures of our activities in first grade.  Maybe Grandma and Grandpa would like to see our blog, too!

First graders will now be expected to pass at least one AR test each week.  Children may take tests over school library books, books in our classroom, or books from home.  Children may take tests on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.  Children who have not passed an AR test by Thursday, will be asked to read during noon recess.

Dates to remember:
            Fri., Dec. 7                Book orders due
Thurs., Dec. 20          All school Christmas program at 6:30 p.m.
Fri., Dec. 21                Class Christmas party at 1:00, Tag day
                                   Dismissal at 2:00, End of Semester
Dec. 22-Jan. 6           Christmas break

The week ahead:
Spelling words:  no spelling test
Religion:  The Ten Commandments, Jesus is born
Reading skill:  Drawing conclusions
Math:  Addition facts, Subtraction facts
Language/Writing:  Nouns and adjectives, Topic sentences and details
Science/Social Studies:  Animals and habitats
Nature Club: Planting bulbs in the courtyard



Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Journey North Tulip Test Garden

The kindergarten, first, second, and third graders at CLS planted a tulip test garden as part of the international science project called Journey North.  We will connect with hundreds of other schools in the Northern Hemisphere.  Each child planted a Red Emperor tulip bulb.  Next spring, we will share our local observations and track spring’s progress.
You can watch spring’s journey north by going to this website: