Friday, October 26, 2012

Love, Honor, Serve

The kindergarten and first grade classes led our school in worship at last week's chapel.  Our theme was Love, Honor, Serve.  Our message included songs, poems, scripture, and pictures that the chidlren drew.

First Grade Friday News - October 29


Chapel offerings in October will go to The Rice Depot to help feed the hungry here in central Arkansas.

Don’t forget to invite grandparents (or substitute grandparents) to our Grandparents’ Day celebration on Wednesday, November 14.  We want to serve lunch to all of our special guests that day, but we will only have lunches prepared for those who have registered by October 29.  Please help us to get all grandparents registered before the deadline.

For Nature Club this week, we need each student to bring 5 or 6 leaves of different shapes, sizes, and colors.  The leaves should be flexible (not crunchy), pressed flat (under a book), then put in a Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name.  You may send them any day this week.

Dates to remember:
Sun., Oct. 28              Trunk or Treat, 4:00-6:00
 Fri., Nov. 2                 Red Ribbon Day (drug awareness)
Tues., Nov.6               Field trip to the fire station
Mon., Nov. 12              PALS meeting and technology demonstrations
Wed., Nov. 14             Grandparents’ Day

The week ahead:
Spelling words:  sing, sang, hang, ring, rang, bring, bus, must, your, when
(Our spelling tests will now include a sentence dictation portion.  Students will write one dictated sentence made up of previously learned words.)
Religion:  The Ten Commandments, Entering the Promised Land
Reading skill:  Details
Math:  Counting dimes, Telling time to the hour
Language/Writing:  Writing an informational story
Science/Social Studies:  Safety
Character Education: Citizenship
Nature Club: Leaves



Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Proud Gardeners

Here is a photo of twelve proud gardeners showing off the radishes they picked last week.  The radishes have finished and we are anxiously waiting for carrots.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

First Grade Friday News - October 22

Chapel offerings in October will go to The Rice Depot to help feed the hungry here in central Arkansas.  Children are urged to bring a cash offering or food item from the Rice Depot “wish list”.

I will be meeting with the parents of each student on October 25 and 26.  Your assigned time is going home today. 

Don’t forget to invite grandparents (or substitute grandparents) to our Grandparents’ Day celebration on Wednesday, November 14.  Each child took home two invitations last week.  Let me know if you need more.   We want to serve lunch to all of our special guests that day, but we will only have lunches prepared for those who have registered by October 29.  Please help us to get all grandparents registered before the deadline.

Dates to remember:
Wed., Oct. 24        Report cards go home
                             First grade and kindergarten lead chapel at 8:15.  Come and worship with us.
Thurs., Oct. 25      Parent/teacher conferences, 3:15-6:00
Fri., Oct. 26          Dismiss at 2:00
                             Parent/teacher conferences, 2:30-5:00
Sun., Oct. 28         Trunk or Treat, 4:00-6:00 (Come and enjoy games, pumpkin painting, a hayride, a cupcake walk, and decorated trunks and candy!)
Tues., Nov.6           Field trip to the fire station, afternoon (Let me know if you want to drive.)

The week ahead:
Spelling words:  red, blue, yellow, green, purple, orange, pink, black, white, brown, gray
(Our spelling tests will now include a sentence dictation portion.  Students will write one dictated sentence made up of previously learned words.)
Religion:  The Ten Commandments
Reading skill:  Details
Math:  Counting by 10’s, Adding 0
Language/Writing:  Topic sentences and details
Science/Social Studies:  Safety
Character Education: Respect
Nature Club: No Nature Club this week




Friday, October 12, 2012

FIrst Grade Friday News - October 15

Chapel offerings in October will go to The Rice Depot to help feed the hungry here in central Arkansas.  Children are urged to bring a cash offering or food item from the Rice Depot “wish list”.

I will be meeting with the parents of each student on October 25 and 26.  Your schedule sign-up note is going home today.  Please fill it out and return it to me as soon as possible.  I can also meet with parents after school on Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday of the following week.  Let me know if you want to meet on one of those days after school instead of on October 25 or 26.

Mrs. Olsen is conducting a preschool survey.  Please help her out by following this link and answering any questions that pertain to you. 

Dates to remember:
Wed., Oct. 24        Report cards go home
                             First grade and kindergarten lead chapel at 8:15.  Come and worship with us.
Thurs., Oct. 25      Parent/teacher conferences, 3:15-6:00
Fri., Oct. 26          Dismiss at 2:00
                             Parent/teacher conferences, 2:30-5:00
Sun., Oct. 28         Trunk or Treat, 4:00-6:00 (Come and enjoy games, pumpkin painting, a hayride, a cupcake walk and decorated trunks and candy!)
Tues., Nov.6          Field trip to the fire station, afternoon (Let me know if you want to drive.)

The week ahead:
Spelling words:  us, bus, bug, rug, mug, must, with, then, she, use
(Our spelling tests will now include a sentence dictation portion.  Students will write one dictated sentence made up of previously learned words.)
Religion:  The Ten Commandments
Reading skill:  Cause and effect
Math:  Counting on to add
Language/Writing:  Topic sentences and details
Science/Social Studies:  Nutrition, Dental Health, and Germs
Character Education: Respect
Nature Club: Bats




Monday, October 8, 2012

Our First Harvest

We harvested our first vegetables today from the school garden.  We planted these radishes the first week of September and have been watching them grow.  We washed them and sliced a small taste for everyone.  Most agreed that they were crunchy and spicy!  We will have many more radishes in the next few weeks.  We will keep watching our carrots grow.  They should be ready to eat sometime in November.

Friday, October 5, 2012

First Grade Friday News - October 8

Chapel offerings in October will go to The Rice Depot to help feed the hungry here in central Arkansas.  Children are urged to bring a cash offering or food item from the Rice Depot “wish list”.

I will be meeting with the parents of each student on October 25 and 26.  I can also meet with parents after school on Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday of the following week.  We will send home the official schedule sign-up note next week, but you are welcome to let me know now if you have a preference for day and time.

Dates to remember:
Fri., Oct. 12              Book orders due (Order online or make your check out to Scholastic Books.)
Wed., Oct. 24           Report cards go home
                                 First grade and kindergarten lead chapel at 8:15.  Come and         worship with us.
Thurs., Oct. 25         Parent/teacher conferences, 3:15-6:00
Fri., Oct. 26              Dismiss at 2:00
                                 Parent/teacher conferences, 2:30-5:00
Sun., Oct. 28            Trunk or Treat, 4:00-6:00 (Come and enjoy games, pumpkin painting, a hayride, a cupcake walk and decorated trunks and candy!)

The week ahead:
Spelling words:  them, then, this, that, path, with, men, set, was, said
                 (Our spelling tests will now include a sentence dictation portion.  Students will write                  one dictated sentence made up of previously learned words.)
Religion:  The Ten Commandments
Reading skill:  Cause and effect
Math:  Subtraction number sentences
Language/Writing:  Telling parts of sentences
Science/Social Studies:  Healthy bodies, Columbus
Character Education: Respect
Nature Club: Spiders