Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pumpkins and More!

We had such fun on our first field trip of the year to the pumpkin patch. We began by cheering for Hamlet, Raphael, Miss Piggy, Porky, and Wilbur in the pig races. Then we fed and petted goats, pigs, and donkeys at the farm zoo. After that, everyone climbed onto the hay wagon for a trip through the Christmas tree farm. Then we raced through the hay maze and took turn riding on the Cow Train. Even Mrs. McNabb and Mrs. Parscale climbed aboard for the bumpy ride. After playing on Hay Mountain, each child picked out a pumpkin to take home. We hope all of our field trips will be this much fun!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

First Grade Friday News - October 1

Chapel offerings in October will go to The Rice Depot to help feed the hungry here in central Arkansas.

Please join us on Wednesday, Oct. 3, at Larry’s Pizza on Bowman.  This evening is such fun – a chance to visit with friends and meet new families at CLS.  CLS will receive a portion of the cost of each buffet purchased that evening between 5:00 and 8:00.  Your teachers will be your servers.  In order for us to receive our percentage, you must present a CLS coupon when you pay for your dinner.  Coupons may be printed off of our website.  We will also happily accept tips.  See you there!

Dates to remember:
Wed., Oct. 3          Larry’s Pizza night, 5:00-8:00
                    (Come and eat, have fun, and let your teacher be your server!)

The week ahead:
Spelling words :  hen, pen, men, end, send, set, all, call, very, that
                         (Practice these words at home for our Friday spelling test.)
Religion:  Moses leads God’s people
Reading skill:  Setting
Math:  Addition double facts, Using a balance
Language/Writing:  Naming parts of sentences
Science/Social Studies:  Australia, Healthy bodies
Character Education: Respect
Nature Club: Spiders



Sunday, September 23, 2012

What Is Nature?

Our class went on a nature hike around the school campus.  We took photos of interesting things and made a poster grouping our items into things that are a part of nature and things that are not nature.  We decided that things that are a part of nature are those things that were made by God.  Things made by people are not nature.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

First Grade Friday News - September 24

Chapel offerings in September will go to The Lutheran Malaria Initiative (    Our offerings will purchase bed netting and medicine for those who need our help in Africa.

Dates to remember:
Fri., Sep. 28          Field trip to pumpkin patch
(Drivers will be:  Baker, Burt, Hall, Hauser, and Priddy)
Fri., Sep. 28          Tag Day
Wed., Oct. 3          Larry’s Pizza night, 5:00-8:00
                             (Come and eat, have fun, and let your teacher be your server!)

The week ahead:
Spelling words :  all, call, fall, ball, tall, wall, on, not, so, of
                        (Practice these words at home for our Friday spelling test.)
Religion:  Baby Moses
Reading skill:  Sequence
Math:  Addition double facts
Language/Writing:  Naming parts of sentences
Science/Social Studies:  Australia
Character Education: Kindness
Nature Club: Field trip to pumpkin patch
 Are you receiving this newsletter by email?  If not, let me know.

Friday, September 14, 2012

First Grade Friday News - September 17

Chapel offerings in September will go to The Lutheran Malaria Initiative (    Our offerings will purchase bed netting and medicine for those who need our help in Africa.

Check out our first grade blog on the CLS website.  Our First Grade Friday News will be there every Friday along with photos and information about what we are learning in our classroom.  Here is the link:

For Nature Club next week, we would like each child to bring two kinds of seeds.  They may be from flowers, trees, fruits, vegetables, etc.  Place each kind in a Ziploc bag and label the bag with the type of seed.  You may send these to school any day.

Dates to remember:
Mon., Sep. 17         Fund raising orders and money due
Fri., Sep. 28          Field trip to pumpkin patch
(Drivers will be:  Baker, Burt, Hall, Hauser, and Priddy)

The week ahead:
Spelling words :  hot, hop, pop, dot, not, back, pick, now, want
                         (Practice these words at home for our Friday spelling test.)
Religion:  Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph
Reading skill:  Drawing conclusions
Math:  Writing addition number sentences, Double addition facts
Language/Writing:  Writing sentences with capitals, periods, question marks,       and exclamation marks
Science/Social Studies:  Plants, Australia
Character Education: Kindness
Nature Club: Seeds




Saturday, September 8, 2012


Our kindergarten and first grade students meet once a week for Nature Club.  We enjoy learning about plants and animals and promise to take care of God's creation.  At our last meeting, our very own Nurse Barker gave a talk about bees.  Nurse Barker keeps bees in her backyard and collects the honey.  She explained how beekeepers take care of their bees and taught us lots of interesting facts about these insects.  The children got to try on a beekeeper's helmet and even got to taste some of Nurse Barker's honey!

First Grade Gardeners

In science, we are learning about plants.  Last week, our class planted carrots and radishes in our garden plot. We will watch for our seeds to sprout and then observe the plants as they grow.  Later in the fall, we will harvest and taste our vegetables.  We will also be doing some science experiements in our classroom about plants.  We will dissect bean seeds, record the stages of plant growth, and use real flowers for a "sticky stima" experiment to learn about pollination.

Friday, September 7, 2012

First Grade Friday News - September 10

Chapel offerings in September will go to The Lutheran Malaria Initiative (    Our offerings will purchase bed netting and medicine for those who need our help in Africa.

Dates to remember:
Tues., Sep. 11         Back to School Night (We will begin with a PALS meeting in the sanctuary at 6:30.  Following the PALS meeting, you will come to our classroom.  Bring your questions about first grade.)
Fri., Sep. 28          Field trip to pumpkin patch - afternoon (Let me know if you can drive.  We will not be able to include siblings on this trip.)

The week ahead:
Spelling words :  pick, pack, tack, back, sack, sick, big, is, they, walk

                   (Practice these words at home for our Friday spelling test.)
Religion:  Abraham
Reading skill:  Sequence
Math:  Counting pennies, Dividing in half
Language/Writing:  Writing sentences with capitals, periods, question marks, and exclamation marks
Science/Social Studies:  Plants
Character Education: Kindness
Nature Club: Nature hunt

